Makin' my way through life in heels

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The "Fat" Friend

I always feel like the fat friend, so I am starting to take initiative. I'm currently on a track of losing weight. The first 3 or 4 days I did really good, but I am starting to fall out of the habit already. Not good. At the beginning of the summer i weighed about 163, and I've gotten down to 154. That's pretty good for now. My ideal weight is 140... and I will get there, eventually.
My biggest problem is I always feel like giving up, like my goal weight is impossible...
But its not... I just need more will power. I finally got the people in my house to get on the same level. My brother-in-law marked up all the boxes and bags of food to make sure we are watching our serving sizes and what not. It was so nice of him. Me and my sister are counting calories and are trying to work out together. With God's help... we'll get there, and we'll be as ecstatic as this chick...
And one day I'll look like this chick :D
With your help friends :) i'll try to keep you updated! I am hoping to lose at Least 5 more pounds before Kacey's party in a few weeks. wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night.  I miss you like hell." 
 ~Edna St Vincent Millay

yeah baby, lets fly

No one is afraid of flying...

They are all just afraid to fall.
Ever wonder why so many people are ready to take that leap of faith, and then are so surprised when they land on their asses? Yeah, me too. Everyone in this world insists on setting their standards so impossibly high, that no one can possibly reach them. I love... I love with all my heart. But I never expect anything in return, so in theory I should never really get hurt, right? Wrong. Because I let my imagination run, as fast as it can, and it always thinks of what "could" be. And what "could" be is always so amazing. I'm one of those silly people that always lands on their ass... I have dreams of flying, and (as of just recently) dreams of being his, and how amazing it would all be. Me and Him? if he'd let us... we'd be perfect. We'd mesh together like one. Like it should be... Like it should have been...
Oh God, if it's in your will...
RMS can we please be 11 and in love again?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

love love love

"I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind."
~ Unknown


"Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the fist time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine"

What a night... Every emotion I thought I shoved off, hid away, got over, came rushing back when I rang that doorbell and knew he'd be the one to answer it, willingly. He opened that door, and I felt 11 again. It's been 7 years, and tonight made it feel like the first time. A monster truck rally isn't really where one would expect to "rekindle" what once was. But tonight was perfect, anything I could have asked for. I had butterflies the entire time. And if it's in God's will, I'll get him back; Because I can honestly say, he's the best thing that was ever mine.
 RMS <3 JEH? 
We'll find out :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Women should dress to impress

I wanna dress like this everyday. I wanna dress up and feel like a girl. Instead of the jeans and vans that I have become accustomed to. Why is it that women have started to dress like men? Is it to feel on the same level as them in the work place? Because dressing like a man does not make you a man. So why not dress up like they used to? Why not feel beautiful and elegant everyday? I miss the days when it was expected of women to dress up. Oh where have the times gone...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fell in love

"Your on this stage just as much as I am... All my songs are about you."

Just something I saw today,  I fell in love.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Best

This is Dalton. He and I have been best friends ever since I can remember. He's there for me always and vice versa. I can't imagine going a day without him. I look up to him so much, and he's helped me through a lot of hard times in my life. I believe that every girl should have a best friend like him, because he's near perfect. He will always be there when I need him, and he makes me feel safe. He's like a world wonder! Ladies, if you find yourself a Dalton... don't let him go.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

From Alice to Cinderella

Went to the best Halloween party ever this weekend, and after I spilled some root beer on my Alice in Wonderland apron, I very quickly went from Alice to modern day Cinderella. Made a lot of new friends, and took a lot of pictures (which is strange for me). I love dressing up, so I've decided that Halloween is definitely the holiday for me. Next Halloween me and my friends plan to be Disney Princesses! Can't Wait! I hope you were safe on Halloween. Thanksgiving... Here I come!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Take my advice...

"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience."