Makin' my way through life in heels

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

yeah baby, lets fly

No one is afraid of flying...

They are all just afraid to fall.
Ever wonder why so many people are ready to take that leap of faith, and then are so surprised when they land on their asses? Yeah, me too. Everyone in this world insists on setting their standards so impossibly high, that no one can possibly reach them. I love... I love with all my heart. But I never expect anything in return, so in theory I should never really get hurt, right? Wrong. Because I let my imagination run, as fast as it can, and it always thinks of what "could" be. And what "could" be is always so amazing. I'm one of those silly people that always lands on their ass... I have dreams of flying, and (as of just recently) dreams of being his, and how amazing it would all be. Me and Him? if he'd let us... we'd be perfect. We'd mesh together like one. Like it should be... Like it should have been...
Oh God, if it's in your will...
RMS can we please be 11 and in love again?

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